The objectives of Schoolmasters is to provide participants multiple learning experiences throughout a given time period using the fun, exciting and hands-on sport of fishing while educating them with science, literacy, math, history, social studies and safe ethical angling practices as well as encouraging them to become stewards of the environment.

This program is done with a large number of participants using a station layout. Stations can be timed rotations (15 minutes would be minimum) or self-guided - both will use a "passport" to guide them through their activities as well as make sure they didn't miss anything. This can teach the basics quickly and works well if you want to get a large number of participants through (unless it is set up with longer timed rotations). Volunteers, provided by the host/coordinator, are needed to run the various stations (volunteers should have a basic understanding of fishing, however, a brief lesson early in the morning of the event depending on their station could be sufficient). Timed rotations should be kept to approximately 15 participants, unless the volunteers are comfortable with up to 25 at a time.

Please contact us to discuss the set-up and cost options of this special activity.


Ethical Angling and Habitat Awareness

Here, anglers are taught the importance of becoming ethical anglers. Not just following the rules and regulations, but how also to be aware of the habitats in which they fish as well as the other anglers around them. In order to be a successful angler, one must be aware of the fish they are trying to catch (targeting). For example, one wouldn’t use a ballyhoo to catch a largemouth bass. One also wouldn’t cast out into the middle of a pond where it is deep without much vegetation, they would fish near the shore where there is plenty of shelter. By understanding some simple biology, ecology and ethics, participants can become great anglers.

This session/station will show anglers proper methods for:

  • Catch and release using a dehooking device

  • The importance of using circle hooks versus J hooks

  • The importance of “leave no trace”, properly disposing of old equipment, and recycling monofilament

  • State, federal and/or local rules and regulations

  • How to properly measure a fish to determine if it is legal size to keep

  • Understanding “limit your take, don’t take your limit”

  • Species identification

  • “Match the hatch” (matching real insects to their lures)

  • “Where can I catch…?” (matching fish to their ecosystems and habitats)

History of Fishing and Introduction to Equipment

Here, anglers learn some basic history including when fishing was first recorded, what equipment was first used and why people fish(ed). Anglers will get to look at and learn the different types of equipment that is needed to do different types of fishing. One would not use a conventional rod and reel combo to catch bluegill, would they?

This session/station will teach anglers:

  • A simple history lesson on fishing (asking anglers what would/could have been used for various fishing equipment before all the man made equipment)

  • The various types of fishing equipment needed to do the different types of fishing (including freshwater, saltwater, fly fishing, nearshore, offshore, etc.)

  • “What can I use to catch…?” (matching equipment together in order to catch certain fish)


Here, anglers will learn techniques to properly cast their lines or lures depending on the environment in which they are fishing. One can’t always use overhead casting (what if there is a tree above?), so flip and sidearm techniques can come in handy! Besides using bait-casters, open- and closed-faced combos, anglers can also try their hand at fly casting at various targets. For anglers that can already cast using various methods, they can practice to perfect their skills and to become more accurate.

This session/station will teach and help anglers:

  • How to use either closed-faced, open-faced and bait-caster combos

  • How to cast overhead, sidearm and to flip their bait/lures

  • How to fly cast

  • Aim at the targets


Knot Tying

Here, anglers will learn how to tie various knots to attach their hooks and lures to the end of their line as well as how to tie together two lines of equal or different sizes. Tying a good knot is essential to catching a fish. If a knot is tied improperly, one could lose the biggest fish they ever caught, or have a great story about “the one that got away”. Worst yet, one may lose their favorite lure and unfortunately add the fishing gear lost in the water (see ethical angling!).

This session/station will teach and help anglers:

  • Tie various types of fishing knots

  • Understand which knots to use for different fishing situations

Cast Netting

Here, anglers will learn how to throw a cast net in order to catch their own bait. When saltwater fishing, bait can get expensive, besides, it is much more satisfying to catch a big fish with bait you caught yourself. Also, there are days when fishing is more like boating or casting (that’s why it’s called fishing and not catching!) – so catching your bait may be the only fish you catch for the day.

This session/station will teach anglers:

  • How to throw a cast net

  • How to properly retrieve their bait

  • How to keep their bait (live or dead)


If live fishing is to take place, many more volunteers are needed in order to help and/or teach how to bait their hooks, fix equipment as they get tangled or lose tackle, keep participants safe and to properly release the fish.

In choosing a site, it is suggested that there be the following:

  • Parking and handicap access

  • Area large enough to accommodate the expected number of participants/stations

  • Restroom facilities

  • Open areas for casting and cast netting

  • Food/space availability (if the participating organization wishes to provide food, or have food available, or an area in which participants can sit and eat their own food)

  • Security/Safety – keeping in mind power lines, busy streets, weather conditions, crime, etc.

  • Extras – be capable if accommodating any extra activities (vendors, demonstrations, etc.)